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26 mai 2018 6 26 /05 /mai /2018 00:34



Brace yourself

face the fact!

Tragedy is rippping your heart apart...

Ripping my heart apart.

Torn like a paper is my love 'cause death takes it's toll

and my heart is left on that road in wow.

Tragedy has mown him down and death takes it's toll!

Takes it's toll.

Another cruciating ache ...

I think my heart will break...

will break.

He was coming to mend it but on the road death spent it.

Death spent it.

Atrocious destiny has hit your lovely sire,

the one you desired.

I desired...

My heart... will it survive or close upon my lovely sire

and others who have left me in such despair...

in even more despair!

O God, life's despair ... no one to share...

no one to share....

One of my little watercolors.... A trace in Infinity

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6 avril 2014 7 06 /04 /avril /2014 13:13



Une de mes aquarelles et gouache de 2007 pour le poème en Anglais qui suit











A tear, a tear in life's soaring fare

A broken mirror, a face

A dark split, the past is hit

A face with blinded eyes

A wide mouth shut

To much is cut

Life's soaring face is split


A soul safely in retrait

Gaizng out to the busy street

A torn heart in repair

Lookint onto life's unknown fare

It isn't fair!


A blink, a wink ... oh no, don't  let me sink

Into a a place that feels like space


A silent tear, a tear I must repair

A face that doesn't fit

This unknown place that feels like space

The heart si split and hit

Never will it fix


This poem was inspired by a photograph of the well-inown photographer Andreas Hermann of a woman looking out of a broken mirror. As you see, it is written with a minimum of words, but just the needed ones to express the  despair of a broken life.


It's also a game between two words that are pronouned the same way,


a tear when weeping and a tear when tearing up a paper, a life.


and those two words make up the whole story,


Isn't poetry wonderful and English, the only language to allow such writing!

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9 mars 2014 7 09 /03 /mars /2014 13:09

Un poème en Anglais pour mes lecteurs anglophones qui attendent patiemment. Il parle du premier amour qui peut pourtant nous tomber dessus aussi bien plus tard, toujours avec le même effect tout englobant - expérience unique, différente de la passion dévorante








Up on the tree,

our tree,

our tree house ...

Up on the lader we go,

up to the sky

our love to show...


She remembers down in the world

the never ending togetherness

thinking, remembering

in here mind's and heart's deep tender.


Down in the world she keeps the image

of entangled legs and arms,

like tree branches

forever ...


Up in the tree, our tree house,

the ladder ascending, she remembers

youth's fairytale forever ....






Here's one of my poems in English for my English speaking readers, waiting patiently... The end will explain the poem. It's all about first love you can never forget. Maybe later on in life this happen again and make arise that undescribable feeling, that overwhelming that takes up all of you and literally throws you together.


Middle age, let's say, can bring two people together in love with a kind of deliciously soft intimacy that is rarely possible when younger when you've got things to build up together, children to raise, projects etc...and passion seems to be absolutely a must. At that point one can mistake, this all-englobing feelling, which doesn't quite resemble passion, with being bored together or some kind of indifference, which it isn't necessarily. It's just getting used to each other, respecting each other and our whims and tempers, the edges having been rubbed off. Passion ...? what about it? It can flare up again but then this confortable togetherness which one can see and feel in couples who live it, seems to be so much more pleasant, secure in the long run, conforting and reliable. A good sexual understanding helps and sure is desirable but some couples do so well without it and coudn't live without the loved one next to them in bed, without feeling his warm body, his or her hand on your hip or thigh, without knowing that he really cares for you and whatever you do throughout the day. And the safe ground for this, is a first love, whatever time in life ir drops on you, but that love that brought you together burns inside you if you can and will take care of it. It will change, go through trials of all sorts but not break! It's made of deep trust, respect, understanding and just a loving caring and needs two open hearts, linked together whatever comes - no nowadays "only sex" can give that.


I think I have something like that falling on me and I'm sort of scared because I'm not used to happiness and opening up to it - it seems so huge but I know it's all a question of trust!






One of my many pastels telling stories through images of hearts and love


The deep hearts are united, the souls and the spirtis but they are each one separate, unique entities


CONFIANCE peinture aux pastels ilustrant la confiance règnant entre deux COEURS

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24 janvier 2014 5 24 /01 /janvier /2014 13:02






one of my many acrylics on paper






Since a lot of you read my English poems, here is another little sweet one, for a change talking about those situations when someone has hit your eye but somehow, things just don't seem to come into place right now and it's for maybe later or never... Life decides sometimes although we think it's us who do it. It just leads where you're supposed to go, despite everything you might do or want. Will power? OK but sometimes it just doesn't work, so why hit your head against a wall, just drop it and move on, it wasn't meant for you, anyway, not now .... but







There's something that remains attached

A thing we simply can't detach

Nor like business just dispatch


Isn't it curious how we do keep watch

Despite the distance that distracts


I know you're here

You now I'm there

And life flows in between

So does it seem


Let be 'till sleep becomes a gentle sigh

Then dreams may suddenly begin to fly


I'll see it in your eye

As well as you in mine

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9 janvier 2014 4 09 /01 /janvier /2014 22:55

Since you're asking for it, you get it ... another one of my poems in English about destiny and how it can hit you any time, without even the slightest warning... an accident and whatever else.. 






Brace yourself,

face the fact!


Torn like a paper is my love,

'cause death takes it's toll

and my heart is left on that road in wow.

Tragedy has mown him down

and death takes it's toll.

takes it's toll.


Another cruciating ache ...

I think my heart will break ...

will break...

He was coming to mend it

but on the road death spent it.

Death spent it.


Atrocious destiny has hit my lovely sire,

the one I desired,

I desired...


My heart will it survive

or close upon my lovely sire

and oths who have left me in despair

in despair...

Oh God, life's despair ... no one to share,


No one to share ...






one of my oils 2009 (sold) Part of a tryptique



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27 novembre 2013 3 27 /11 /novembre /2013 09:50

I see in my blog's statistics that there is demand for my english poems, so here is one. It's about something happening as a consequence of an accident. I'll let you guess .... and of how one may feel, frantic and anxious about it's outcome ...






A PASTEL OF MINE, 2002, since I'm also a painter



DEFENDU, HALTE , STOP - pastel illustrant la défense de, le défendu








Brace yourself,

Face the fact!


Tragedy is ripping my heart apart,

ripping my heart apart...


Torn like a paper is my love,

'cause death takes it's toll

and my heart is left on that road in wow.

Tragedy has mown him down

and death takes it's toll,

takes it's toll...


Another cruciating ache ...

I think my heart will break ...

will break...

He was coming to mend it

but on the road death spent it.

death spent it...


Atrocious destiny has hit my lovely sire,

the one I desired

I desire ...


My heart will it survive

or close up upon my lovely sire

and other who have left me in despair

in despair ...

Oh God, no one to share life's despair

no one to share ...


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20 novembre 2013 3 20 /11 /novembre /2013 09:39







Since I see demand for poems in English in my statistics and that I do write in English sometimes, here ia a little poem speaking about how dreams may come true or not ....






There is something that remains attached

A thing we smply can't detach

Nor like busines just dispatch


Isn't it curious how we do keep watch

Despite the distance that distracts


I know you're here

You know I'm there

And life l flows in between

So does it seem


Let be 'till sleep become a gentle sigh

The dreams may suddenly begin t fly


I'll see it in your eye

As well as you in mine ....

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1 septembre 2013 7 01 /09 /septembre /2013 10:56

Pourquoi pas à nouveau un poème en Anglais sur un thème choc pourtant plus courant que l'on croit, qui fait peur parce que pas encore élucidé, ni vraiment guérissable mais que gérable







Un de mes pastels de 2006


Oui, je connais ça, c'est le cas d'un être cher dont la vie a pris un tournant bien différent de ce à quoi elle s'attendait. Depuis, elle a appris à vivre avec et à gérer sa  maladie. C'est une grande leçon d'acceptation, d'humilité et une longue lutte pour tous ceux qui sont et furent, sont  imliqués. Mais une réussite, particulière certes, mais satisfaisante.







Walking along,

There's a little heart happy all day long

Singing a song to beautiful life's dawn


Day in day out the same song

Little heart is trudging along

Dragging hope behing it so long


There's a little heart

Shivering all along

Barely humming it's lonely song

Where are you my lovely brother

My father and tender mother?


A little heart

Shouting all day long

Where are you my lovely song?

At rainbow's end or is it the end?

My head is bursting

My soul is gone


There's a little heart

All tattered up

Hardly breathing so far it's dropped down

Brother now has gone to his own dawn

And the world has shrivelled down


There's a little heart

Pulling the shades down

On sadness and the world's madness

A little heart that's gone

No more song!


Little heart no longer will hum it's silent song

The night is fearful and the day the shades are down

All down ...


My head is bursting

My heart is thursting

my soul, .... where is my soul?

Oh mother, do come and save my soul

Says desperate silence...




Ce poème a obtenu le 2e Prix d'Anglais lors du 13e Concours International du CEPAL - Centre Européen pour la Promotion des Arts et des Lettres. Avec le 3e Prix d'Allemand, obtenu lors du même concours,


la MÉDAILLE INTERNATIONALE DU CEPAL me fut décernée cette même année par le CEPAL ainsi que la MÉDAILLE DU MÉRITE CULTUREL


Il y des poèmes qui s'imposent en Anglais, c'est ainsi pour moi. C'est une langue qui ne nécessite pas forcément de construction de phrases complexes et dont les mots sont concis et précis, choc, justement adaptés pour des sujets émotionnellemt fort, évitant ainsi les longues phrases que susciterait le Français.

J'enseigne depuis longtemps l'Anglais et j'ai fait des études aux USA dont la High School et  l'Université de Californie à Los Angles, ce qui fait que j'ai un sens profond pour cette langue, même si j'écris principalement en Français, parfois même en Allemand, langues que je maîtrise et enseigne également.

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11 avril 2013 4 11 /04 /avril /2013 09:48

Voici à nouveau, un poème poignant en Anglais qui a obtenu le





au 13e Concours International du





Il parle d'un enfant qui a perdu son âme dans la maladie et s'enfonce dans le silence et le noir; d'un enfant qui souffre de schyzophrénie et ne comprend pas ce qui lui arrive ... C'est une maladie multi-facettes, terrible qui ne se guérit pas encore mais qui peut être stabilisée, même à un bon niveau, ou ne représenter qu'un épisode dans la vie d'une personne. Les médicaments ont des effets secondaires mais il sont nécessaire pour en atténuer les effets les plus importants. Cela peut être un long combat de les faire accepter par la personne concernée mais il en vaut la peine. La recherche du dosage et du médicament le plus adapté prend aussi beaucoup de temps. il faut de la patience, de la confiance, et de la persévérance de la part des proches.









Walking along,

There's a little heart happy all day long

Singing a song to beautiful life's dawn


Day in, day out the same song

Little heart is trudging along

Draggind hope behind it so long


There's alittle heart

Shivering all along

Barely humming it's lonely song

Where are you my lovely brother

My father and tender mother


A little heart

Shouting all day long

Where are you my lovely song

At rainbow's end or is it the end

my head is bursting

My soul is gone


There's a little heart

All tattered up

Hardly breathing so far it's dropped down

Brother has gone

To hisown dawn

And the world has shrivelled down


There's a little heart

Pulling the shades down

On sadness and the world's madness

A little heart that's gone

No more song

Little heart no longer wil hum its' silent song

The night is fearful and the day the shades are down

All down


My head is bursting

My heart is thursting

My soul,...do come and save my soul

Oh mother do come and save my soul

Says desperate desperate silence

All day and night long

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23 février 2013 6 23 /02 /février /2013 12:33







 A tear, a tear

in life's sooring fare

A broken mirror,

A face

A dark split, the past is hit

A face with blinded eyes

A wide mouth shut

Too much inside is cut

Life's sooring fare is split


A torn heart

A soul safely in retreat

Gazing out to the busy street

A torn heart to repair

Looking onto life's undknow fare

It isn't fair!


A blink, a wink ... oh no, don't let me sink

into a place that feels like space


A silent tear, a tear I must repair

A face that doesn't fit

This unknon place that feels like space

The heart is split and hit

never will it fix






J'ai retrouvé un poème en Anglais, que j'aime beaucoup, qui m'a été inspiré par une prise de vue d'un photographe lndonien très connu, Andreas Heumann représentant un visage de femme devant un miroir brisé. Le poème parle d'un de ces moments où le coeur est en lambeaux, l'âme touchée, un moment lorsqu'on se tient en retrait, ne voit pas, ne veut pas voir, ne peut plus voir le monde, la vie du dehors car tout est concentré à l'intérieur de soi, sur cette blessure, cette brisure, ce coeur déchiré et que l'on a bien envie de ce laisser couler dans un ailleurs afin d'échapper à la douleur insoutenable mais appelle tout de même au secours, en retrait, derrière ce miroir car il faut réparer. C'est, bien évidemment, que mon interprétation de la photo, l'impression que j'en ai retenue, conditionnée par mes expériences de vie.


Le poème représente bien ce que l'Anglais permet: peu de structure de phrase, des mots percutants contenant tout le shock sans d'épanchement, dont une émotion contenue mais transmise dans son essentiel. J'adore jouer avec les mots et l'Anglais le permet; il s'impose à moi tout naturellement pour des poèmes aux émotions les plus fortes. Ceci dit, c'est ma façon d'écrire l'Anglais qui est une langue immensément riche en vocabulaire ayant adopté plusieurs langues étrangères qui en forme le tout, structurée et très très complexe dans ses subtilités en plus du fait qu'il y a des choses qui se disent ainsi, tout simplement, sans explication grammaticale. À voir Shakespeare, Shelley, etc..


Chaque langue a sa façon propre d'expression et donc, c'est le sujet du poème qui impose le choix. Pour l'Allemand c'est plutôt romantique tandis qu' il existe diverses possibilités pour le Français mais il faut toujours veiller à la structure des phrases, à la syntaxe et ponctuation etc... donc, c'est plutôt complexe. En tout cas, c'est ainsi pour moi, sauf exeption. Mais, comme vous savez, cela doit toujours être compréhensible pour tous et de notre temps. Les langues sont vivantes, les mentalités changent, même si les grands classiques perdurent et seront toujours appréciés dans leur richesse, émotion et leur belle langue!


Le titre du poème est spécail: le même mot mais signifiant autre chose ... UNE LARME, UNE DÉCHIRURE. Ils se prononce différemment: phonétiquement: A tire, a tère


Prochain article: un poème en Allemand!



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